Fourteen or fifteen years ago, our daughter was playing under the hitching rail while riders saddled up their horses. "Mommy, Why does Miska have a hangie downie thing?" Quite suddenly the horses and their snickering riders were gone. That was the beginning of our daughter's sex education.
Now our daughter is going off to college (not a moment too soon either)! And, because parenting is not for wimps, I revisit sex education whenever I can and reinforce the information one more time. Remember we are talking STD's, HIV, and teenagers with a grandiose sense of immunity and immortality. Never let a sex education opportunity pass by. I know, I know, we have all said it before many times...but hey, one more time - reinforce what you've already said.
A distinguished elderly gentleman once said, "you know, young people run hot and sometimes it gets them into troubles and sometimes it gets them married. It was that way when I was young and it's still that way."
Yep! There's just one thing to add, nowadays running hot can also get you dead. HIV/AIDS and STD's are not topics for wimps! Youth are still running hot. So what if my kid thinks I'm a freak because I tell her yet again, "beware the hangie downie thing...and whatever else is running hot after you!" To which comes the standard reply..."MOM! Again, REALLY?"
PARENTING IS NOT FOR WIMPS (or the faint of heart)! When you listen to your teenager do you sometimes wonder, "What was I thinking?" Does your elementary school child come home with math homework you've never seen? And do you sometimes stare up at the ceiling late at night hearing a wee small voice in your head, "He or she is just like me...only better...the new improved version! Do you then experience a sensation of fear? Be courageous. Parenting is an endless adventure. No Wimps allowed!
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