Preparation For Life!

Preparation For Life!
More than just a hay burner!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ARGH !!!

Is it the harvest moon? Is it the El Nina weather pattern? Maybe it's my Karma? No! I was never bad enough for this day!! It started off well enough but when I shifted my focus...well you've had days like this too I'm sure. I got up earlier than usual. Lots of energy motivated me to strip my bed and put my linens in the washer; unload the dishwasher; empty the kitchen and bath garbage cans; fold the load in the dryer AND put it away! Then as the sun moved I had to leave for work. My children are not "little" anymore and they certainly know the house rules! No worries right?

Wrong! Things began to fall into havoc during my absence. I came home to find that our youngest had decided to eat watermelon on my white mattress while the linens were in the washer - splattering a pattern indicative of a Jackson Pollock original work or art. I opened the refrigerator in a desperate search for trans fat in the form of chocolate, only to find someone had shoved the gallon jug of milk into a raw egg which had spread and then coagulated on the glass shelf. While using diluted laundry detergent to sponge the mattress, our teenager called to say her car (the one the husband co-signed for while I was on record as being opposed to getting the teenager a car), her car had been keyed while she was at the courthouse to show support for a friend. Did I mention it's a friend who isn't the sharpest pencil in the box and doesn't know when to come in out of the rain? Uh, that would be why a court appearance would be necessary! And what kind of people hang out at courthouses...uh huh...a lot of people who who aren't always respectful...the kind of people who key cars!

I decided I'd just sit and bag that pile of clothing that's been waiting to get dropped off for charity. Only the pile was now a carpet spread out and where the pile was - there was now a stack of movies. The movies our juicy artist had been watching on my stripped white mattress while her sibling drove the financed car to be keyed and the egg oozed out of its shell and then clung to the glass refrigerator shelf!

All things considered it's not like the morning when the horse was caught in the fence. That prompted the teen to call me from her cell phone and tell me about it as she kept rolling out the driveway! And, It's not like the morning when the man woke me from my sound sleep with these tender words, "pig's dead!" Certainly it's been a better day than some. It's just that menopausal memory loss prevents me from remembering just how good some days are! LOL

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Laughter Keeps Us Young

Nothing makes a parent laugh more than their children. At any age our youngsters can bring us to hysterical laughter driven into tears with their antics. The older they get the more personality they display in perfecting their antics. And, the more parents laugh thinking, "Why did they think could sneak that by me?" Or, "Wonder why they thought that I wouldn't catch on to what they were up to?" These questions remain a mystery for all parents. Personally, I think all children believe their parents are dumb as a box of rocks!

The really frightening discovery is when the parents realize their children possess great similarities to themselves. That's when the parent's don't know whether to laugh hysterically or sweat bullets! I tend to sweat bullets more often than I'd like to admit. My children are very convincing (some have even been cunning at times). I should laugh a lot more about the antics performed at all ages. They are just doing what you and I used to do right?

Except they are performing antics in a scarier world with greater threats to their well being and fewer chances of surviving random acts of evil. Because parents worry more, we need to counter the aging effects by laughing more, much more. Enjoy the parenting adventure every moment. We need the youthful and healthful benefits laughter brings to channel the antics into a safety zone!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Basic Economics's been a really bad day and I'm really cynical about some of MY children (names withheld intentionally) getting the whole economic reality anytime soon! Hairdressers, nail salons, and new releases at the movie theater along with vacation travel, new cell phones (with all the bells and whistles), and video gaming are priorities for some of my young adults. Have you heard this one, "I earned my money, I should get to spend it how I want." Yeah, I hear that one too!

Parents, myself included, view text books, auto insurance, and dental care nearer the top of the priority list. Recreation and entertainment are important and we all want our children to enjoy life. We just want them to have two pair of underwear so one can get laundered once in awhile. It would be noteworthy if us "parentals" could rest comfortably knowing the wheels under the buttocks of our grown children were legally on the road! You know, insured; with tires that have minimum tread, and something more than friends taking turns pushing it to move the thing forward! Like, maybe fuel?

Like I said, It's been a rough day and admittedly I am cynical today wondering if my adult "reproductions" are brilliant enough to learn economics?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sex Education and the College Bound

Fourteen or fifteen years ago, our daughter was playing under the hitching rail while riders saddled up their horses. "Mommy, Why does Miska have a hangie downie thing?" Quite suddenly the horses and their snickering riders were gone. That was the beginning of our daughter's sex education.

Now our daughter is going off to college (not a moment too soon either)! And, because parenting is not for wimps, I revisit sex education whenever I can and reinforce the information one more time. Remember we are talking STD's, HIV, and teenagers with a grandiose sense of immunity and immortality. Never let a sex education opportunity pass by. I know, I know, we have all said it before many times...but hey, one more time - reinforce what you've already said.

A distinguished elderly gentleman once said, "you know, young people run hot and sometimes it gets them into troubles and sometimes it gets them married. It was that way when I was young and it's still that way."

Yep! There's just one thing to add, nowadays running hot can also get you dead. HIV/AIDS and STD's are not topics for wimps! Youth are still running hot. So what if my kid thinks I'm a freak because I tell her yet again, "beware the hangie downie thing...and whatever else is running hot after you!" To which comes the standard reply..."MOM! Again, REALLY?"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eighteen Years Old

Vaguely. I vaguely remember eighteen (what I do remember was nothing to write home about).

Yet, each time one of my children woke up and said, "I'm eighteen!" they acted as though The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus had all visited them during the same night. From then on my children behaved as though their night visitors had magically delivered all knowledge. Having had the previous black space between their ears filled with super human brain cells they, "knew what they were doing."

"Adult-children" usually have wheels under their buttocks by this time (and under your auto insurance policy). According to "the parent has a responsibility to pay for their child's college." (Nobody paid for mine!) The good news: you can usually boast how you got him or her to age 18 with all their fingers and toes, no major head trauma, and they are college bound. The bad news: the hopping hormones are as big as 10-gallon paint containers; you've got high blood pressure and college loans; your deposits have been cashed; dorms don't open for 60 days; and your 18-yr old has a hot boyfriend or girlfriend! This is more proof that parenting is not for wimps.

There will be an increase in covering the gray at the hairdresser. Also an increase of insomnia. Tempers get shorter, nights longer. Parents faced with the magic of "eighteen" can't access medical or educational records but they still get to pay for the costs! Finally, there are very skeery issues facing our newbie adult/kids today. This is certainly not the time to wimp out!

Tactic: Gather the reinforcements; strengthen the ranks; call out the National Moms Association! Parent validation is highly underrated! I never overlook networking with my local chapter of "I Spy." Spying on your kids doesn't really have much immediate effect on the young adult whose view is blinded by the 10-gallon size hormones, other than make them angry, but it sure has made me feel supported! Some experts/Psychologists will say "kids deserve their privacy." Others will say, "kids want to know you care, they want boundaries." Here is what I say...

It may be my "denial" but I like thinking my children believing that their Auntie (or someone else who knows them) might be somewhere they are has a cooling effect on their actions. Go Auntie! Did I mention that this is how I knew my son had been in a food fight at Del Taco? Also how I knew my son kissed a girl at the movies? (Beware the cell phone four rows behind you!) Don't think we're sexist, Dad was reading a book and wearing Biker Couture at the coffee counter in Denny's during the "after" Homecoming Dance! Now that I have sons in their twenties I sometimes hear, "I always had his back; I am his greatest fan; and I am the smartest person he knows!" How cool is that for the meanest mom!

Why I Scrapbook...

My latest diversion is Scrapbook production...I can't rely on my children to keep my mind sharp in my golden years. Generally, they've ensured it's pretty cloudy now. I need to have a really good record to look at - something with journal notes. Something about my children - the ones who already spent their inheritance and their sibling's too! Oh yeah...all of them did! My scrapbook will be a reminder of which child is most likely to play out their revenge because I punished them when they were eight years old. Yeah...which one was that? And it will help me cherish the moments when they were babes in arms. Who is this photo of? Okay well at least I'll have the vacation photos to enjoy! What does this ticket stub go to?