Preparation For Life!

Preparation For Life!
More than just a hay burner!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why I Scrapbook...

My latest diversion is Scrapbook production...I can't rely on my children to keep my mind sharp in my golden years. Generally, they've ensured it's pretty cloudy now. I need to have a really good record to look at - something with journal notes. Something about my children - the ones who already spent their inheritance and their sibling's too! Oh yeah...all of them did! My scrapbook will be a reminder of which child is most likely to play out their revenge because I punished them when they were eight years old. Yeah...which one was that? And it will help me cherish the moments when they were babes in arms. Who is this photo of? Okay well at least I'll have the vacation photos to enjoy! What does this ticket stub go to?

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